Understanding Routing in Laravel & Ways to Write Route

A path or URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is the address used to access a specific resource, such as a webpage or file, on a website is called routing. It acts as a bridge between the domain and the content stored on the server.


If your website domain is www.example.com and you want to access a specific page like “Home,” you can define a path:


How URLs Work in Laravel

In Laravel, URLs are mapped to routes that define the logic for handling user requests. Routes direct a request to a specific function, controller, or view.

Way to Write a Route in Laravel

  1. Basic Route:
Route::get('/home', function () {

This defines a route for the /home URL, which renders the home.blade.php view when accessed.

  • Shortcut Route for Views:
    Laravel provides a shortcut for routing directly to a view:
Route::view('/home', 'home');

This performs the same action as the previous example, simplifying the syntax.

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Passing Parameters in Routing

You can pass parameters to routes to make them dynamic:

  1. Defining a Route with a Parameter:
Route::get('/home/{name}', function ($name) {
    returnview('home', ['name' => $name]);
  • Using the Parameter in the View:
    In the home.blade.php file, you can access the passed parameter using Blade syntax:
<p>Welcome, {{$name}}!</p>

When you visit www.example.com/home/John, the page will display:

Welcome, John!

Explaining the Anchor Tag (<a>)

An anchor tag (<a>) is an HTML element used to create hyperlinks that link to other pages, files, or sections within a page.

Basic Syntax:

<a href="URL">Link Text</a>
  1. Linking to an External Page:
<a href="https://www.google.com">Visit Google</a>
  • Linking to an Internal Page:
<a href="/home">Go to Home Page</a>
  • Using Laravel’s route() Helper:
    Laravel provides a route() helper to generate URLs for named routes:
Route::get('/home', [HomeController::class, 'index'])->name('home');

In the Blade file:

<a href="{{ route('home') }}">Go to Home</a>
  • Adding Parameters to the Link:
    If your route expects a parameter, you can pass it using the route() helper:
Route::get('/home/{name}', [HomeController::class, 'index'])->name('home');

In the Blade file:

<a href="{{ route('home', ['name' => 'John']) }}">Welcome John</a>

This will generate a URL like:


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